Toronto's Twitter addicts emerged from the virtual woodwork for HoHoTo, a rapidly organized holiday party at the Mod Club. Just imagine a normal holiday party but add interactive art, Twitter-powered DJ requests and Big Brother-esque video addresses.
Who would actually come to something this geeky? Well geeks of course; but also:
phreaks, webheads, twitterfiends, techies, media, marketing, and PR types and all their friends. And everyone else! [from the site]
Some highlights:
- Raising $20k for the Toronto Food Bank on the same day when it was reported that donations are lower this year.
- The #hohoto tag almost reaching the number 1:
- The deluge of prizes - a friend of mine walked away with two bags full of books, tshirts, and a [rather unwanted copy] of Windows Vista.
- p#hohotobooth - Rannie Turingan's mobile photo booth