June 1, 2009

Kensington Pedestrian Sundays kick off

Unfortunately, I missed it.

I spent my afternoon at the equally worthy Jesse and The Rippers show but decided to see if I could catch the end of Kensington Market’s monthly summer celebration.

After a pit stop for the last song of a punk rock show — “pit stop” - get it? — we encountered one of HiMY SYeD’s famous Labyrinths (He’s also the guy who painted his own scramble intersection on the same street last summer):

Pedestrian Sunday in Kensington Market
Pedestrian Sunday in Kensington Market

Kensington’s famous green car is back for the summer:

Pedestrinan Sunday in Kensington Market
Pedestrinan Sunday in Kensington Market

Unfortunately, the only participants still at it were the Kensington Community Horns:

Pedestrian Sunday in Kensington Market
Pedestrian Sunday in Kensington Market

Pedestrian Sunday in Kensington Market
Pedestrian Sunday in Kensington Market

Think of the group as a drum circle with horns thrown in. It’s a loose and improvisational sound (my friend Chris Butcher) jumped in and played for a few songs) and usually brings out at least some dancing and interaction with the crowd.

The only one who didn’t seem to be enjoying it was an intoxicated and angry punk travelling home from the previously mentioned concert. He snaked his way through the crowd trying to pick a fight screaming things like — and I quote — “cars are better than you, fucking hippie yuppie shit.”

Michael Johnson — the same guy who serenades Critical Mass with Miles Davis — closed the evening with a dramatic story about the moon (pictured above).

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