Today, I flew over the handlebars of my bike. In an ethereal sense, it was kind of fun
Streetcar tracks: they’re the femme fatale of cycling. This afternoon, my bike’s tires got so cozy with them that they decided to stop moving and hang out for a while. Unfortunately, the laws of physics mean that my body had to continue its journey without the bike underneath.
What I still have:
- my bike
- my health
- my fantastic humour
What I no longer have:
- a few layers of skin on my wrists
- and most tragically: my laptop. Yes, my precious Macbook Pro was an unwilling participant in my maiden flight. I somehow landed on my bag and crushed the contents. The laptop boots but can’t find the hard drive. Uh oh.
So why am I whining about this calamity? Consider this a Public Service Announcement to inform you that I’m going to be operating at limited capacity until I either salvage my hard drive or get a new laptop. If I owe you emails, writing, photos, etc, you’ve been warned!